Happy Birthday to me (well to Your Kids OT)!!! 2014 saw my idea for a blog come into fruition! I have been excited with all the articles I have been able to bring you over the year. Friends have asked with concern what will happen when I run out of article ideas, but that hasn't happened yet! I have lots planned for 2015. I have been surprised at how many "friends" I have made through blogging and hope to get know you, my readers in the year ahead. I would love hear from you through the comments or FB. Tell me what you think or if you try out any ideas I have suggested. Let me know if there are specific topics you would like covered. I have been overwhelmed with the number of new FB likers to YKOT in the last week. Thank you for your support. I hope new and old followers of YKOT find it interesting to look back at the posts that have been most read in 2014. Here are the most popular posts for 2014. 1. Dough Wars! Cloud Dough vs Kinetic Sand! This was by far the most popular post for 2014. Both cloud dough and kinetic sand are fantastic sensory mediums for your kids to explore, experiment and have fun! Having a comparison between the two mediums was very popular and reminds me that it may be time for more dough wars! 2. A sensory diet...nothing to do with food! We don't all have access to great "sensory rooms" and expensive therapy equipment. This was a simple guide to activities you can do with your child at home or at school to help address sensory processing and modulation issues. 3. Terrific Tummy Time Positions! This is one of the most memorable posts for me ...I really enjoyed the opportunity to "link up" with some fabulous therapy bloggers about "tummy time". There are a lot of opinions out there about what you should or shouldn't do with "tummy time". I think the concept is misunderstood too when I hear comments such as..."my child hated tummy time but we did do chest on chest time". I especially loved collecting photos from my readers of their little ones doing "tummy time". Can you recall all the gushing over the gorgeous babies? 4. Pencil Grasp Reference Sheet This was my first and most popular reference sheet that I created. It has proved very popular onPinterest (pinned almost 1000 times) and purchased in my store (no where near 1000 times). Thanks for making the purchase rather than just taking a screenshot! I appreciate your support with my resources. 5. Sensory Diet Activity Reference Sheet This was the second reference sheet that I produced and was also very popular on Pinterest and the store. 6. Should I get a pencil grip? There is still a lot of confusion about the use of pencil grips. They are often seen as a quick fix but my opinion is that it is definitely not the case of "one size fits all". Pencil grips should always be prescribed as a part of program to address pencil grasp. 7. App Review: Sensory Treat This app is so useful for parents assisting them to incorporate a sensory diet of activities into a child's (and family's) daily routine. 8. Using a weighted vest or blanket...introducing Sensory Calm Articles about sensory processing were very popular in 2014! This article reviewed a weighted vest and blanket and was sponsored by Sensory Calm. 9. Freebie Friday #5 Printable Games It surprised me to find this post making the top ten list. There were 9 great {FREE} printable games to be found in this article. I did a series of "Freebie Fridays" including pre-writing, cutting, drawing and visual-motor printables. Everyone does love a freebie! 10. Holding a pencil...does it really matter how? I love that my very first posted article made the top 10! The "bread-and-butter" of my OT referrals are handwriting referrals so it was only appropriate to start there. Often an inefficient pencil grasp is an indicator for other issues an OT may assess. What a fantastic year! Thanks for all the comments, likes and shares of my articles and resources. Are you an OT? parent? teacher? Which article did you find helpful or enjoyed in 2014? You may also like...
2/2/2015 11:55:47 pm
Happy birthday! How exciting! I always love reading your blog. I'm going to have to go back and check out a couple of these posts that I missed! 7/2/2015 03:58:54 am
Wow so pleased to have found this site. Loving all the post and cant wait to read them. Looking forward to following and becoming social media "friends". I am a parent of a 1 year old princess named Ariel and she had Down Syndrome. 7/2/2015 07:38:48 am
Hi Raylene, Nice to "meet" you too after recently discovering your blog. You have a gorgeous "girl" and lovely blog. 8/2/2015 12:35:01 pm
Happy Birthday! Congratulations... BombardedMum's birthday is the end of April so we are not too far apart. I agree the best bit about blogging the community and connections you make along the way. It has been wonderful meeting clever, creative mums who are doing what they love. Enjoy the birthday buzz. Comments are closed.
AuthorHi, I'm Cindy and I am an Occupational Therapist. I enjoy working creatively with children to see them reach their potential. Read more about me here. SEARCH THIS SITE
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Disclaimer: The information on this site is general in nature and should be used for educational and entertainment purposes. The activities are safe for most children, however, you should consult an Occupational Therapist or health professional to address specific movement, sensory or other medical conditions. This blog does not replace formal therapeutic professional advice given by a health professional or medical practitioner. Reviews and endorsements of products will only be made based on my expertise and personal opinion; and deemed worthy of such endorsement. The opinions shared in sponsored content will always be my own and not that of the advertising company or brand. Content, advertising space or posts will be clearly identified if paid, affiliated or sponsored. Affiliate links may be found throughout this website in advertising. This means that if you follow through with a purchase from these links, Your Kids OT will receive a percentage of the sale. Your Kids OT undertakes to meet the requirements of the "Social Media Policy" as published by Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Further information about this policy can be found here.
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AuthorHi, I'm Cindy and I am an Occupational Therapist. I enjoy working creatively with children to see them reach their potential. Read more about me here. |
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