Hours of Lego fun here! Which is your favourite? Enjoy your weekend! A big thank you to everyone who participated in the YKOT Lego Challenge. It has been fun! Also a big oops from me as I forgot that I will be going on holidays next week {How could I forget, you ask? Well it has been a busy season here!}..... so I won't be able to run the fourth week of the Lego Challenge! I'm hoping to still post whilst I'm away but I won't be able to collate any photos and access my email. Keep reading because you can continue the Lego Challenge at home any time you want to! Let's see the fabulous and creative entries this week... inspired by books.. If your kids enjoyed the challenge and would like to keep building, download more free Lego Challenges here! You could play as a family and challenge each other or add a timer to make things more interesting! You could even use the challenges at a Lego-inspired birthday party! Feel free to send through any photographs of you and your children building these Lego Challenges anytime! I would love to seen them ([email protected]). Thanks again to everyone who played along! Watch this space for more Lego-inspired activities!
YKOT Lego Challenge #3Just in case you haven't been playing along. Here is how it will work for the final 2 challenges. Here is how it will work: For the next 2 Fridays, I will select a "Lego Challenge". Encourage your children to build this during the week and take a photograph. Send in the photograph with a brief description {eg. George, age 6, hovercraft or if you prefer Mr 6, hovercraft} by Thursday 5pm (Sydney time). I will collate the photographs so your child can see their own creation and have a look at what others have made too. Rules:
This week's challenge is ... |
If anyone has doubted the creativity of kids today then they haven't seen what kids can do with Lego. The first YKOT challenge was set last Friday to build with 50 bricks {your choice}. Thank you to everyone who participated in the first challenge. I hope you are looking forward to the next one!! Before we see what the next challenge is, here are the photos of the creations sent to me for challenge 1. Find yours and be inspired by what others have made. They were all fantastic! |
YKOT Lego Challenge #2
Each Friday for the next 3 weeks, I will select a "Lego Challenge". Encourage your children to build this during the week and take a photograph. Send in the photograph with a brief description {eg. George, age 6, hovercraft or if you prefer Mr 6, hovercraft} by Thursday 5pm (Sydney time). I will collate the photographs so your child can see their own creation and have a look at what others have made too.
- Open to children of all ages. {This is not a school assignment so it is not about parental help for the best looking creation but parents can help if they want to! Parents you can build your own if you want to but please label as such. If no-one submits a photograph you might just get lots of my creations. LOL}
- Children can submit more than one photograph per challenge if they want to.
- Children may use any "brick-like-Lego" to complete the challenges including Duplo, Megabloks, etc.
- Photographs submitted will become the property of Your Kids OT and may be published on the website, FB and Pinterest. Thanks!
- This is non-competitive challenge and is designed for encouraging imagination and creativity! Sorry no prizes and no winner.
- Email your photo/s to [email protected]
- Tell your friends about the challenge!
- Have fun!!!
I'm looking forward to seeing your Lego creations this week! Don't forget to come back next week to see a photo of your creation and what others have made.
Did your kids have fun with the first challenge?
Hands up if you are a fan of Lego? Did you play as a child? There are only a few of my childhood toys that have lasted the test of time to be passed onto my own children. My "Cabbage Patch Kid" {Karen Crescenda}, board games, books and a bucketful of LEGO. Now Karen was completely unappreciated by either of my children but the LEGO is well loved. A common complaint I hear among my friends {other parents} is about LEGO sets. Once built, the sets stay built and not played with or broken up and never put back together again. Is this your experience? |
Before I go into the details, I have to let you know that I was inspired to do this after reading about LEGO quest (found on Pinterest). In 2010, a series of quests were given where readers would build and photograph their achievements. I wish we could have been a part of this quest but my kids would have been too young.
So here it is....
YKOT Lego Challenge!
Each Friday for the next 4 weeks, I will select a "Lego Challenge". Encourage your children to build this during the week and take a photograph. Send in the photograph with a brief description {eg. George, age 6, hovercraft or if you prefer Mr 6, hovercraft} by Thursday 5pm (Sydney time). I will collate the photographs so your child can see their own creation and have a look at what others have made too.
- Open to children of all ages. {This is not a school assignment so it is not about parental help for the best looking creation but parents can help if they want to! Parents you can build your own if you want to but please label as such. If no-one submits a photograph you might just get lots of my creations. LOL}
- Children can submit more than one photograph per challenge if they want to.
- Children may use any "brick-like-Lego" to complete the challenges including Duplo, Megabloks, etc.
- Photographs submitted will become the property of Your Kids OT and may be published on the website, FB and Pinterest. Thanks!
- This is non-competitive challenge and is designed for encouraging imagination and creativity! Sorry no prizes and no winner.
- Email your photo/s to [email protected]
- Tell your friends about the challenge!
- Have fun!!!
This can be any bricks that you select.
Are you {and your kids} up for the challenge? The Lego challenge?
Hi, I'm Cindy and I am an Occupational Therapist. I enjoy working creatively with children to see them reach their potential. Read more about me here.
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