Social Emotional Learning and Regulation
Through social emotional learning and regulation; occupational therapists assist children to develop self-awareness, regulation and interpersonal skills. Social emotional learning and regulation encompasses a range of skills for a child, the child's family and others in their community. These skills help children to cope with problems and difficulties that may arise at home or school.
Social emotional learning and regulation involves assisting children to become aware of these areas:
* their own thoughts and feelings
* others have thoughts and feelings
* our behaviour and words can affect others
* we can develop an understanding of someone else's perspective
* problems come in different sizes
* our reactions can be different sizes
* there are expected and unexpected behaviours in different places and situations
* we can use our eyes, ears and brain to work out social expectations
* we have social filters
* we can use thinking strategies, sensory strategies and breathing techniques to assist us to change our feelings and behaviour
* we can use positive self talk strategies
OTs work closely with parents to identify and implement calming strategies. Regulation for children also involves coaching parents with co-regulation strategies.
Other social skills that may also be considered are turn taking, eye contact, how to include others, how to share information about ourselves, how to identify what our body tells us about our feelings and more.
Occupational therapists use a range of programs to assist with social emotional learning. These programs include:
Social emotional learning and regulation involves assisting children to become aware of these areas:
* their own thoughts and feelings
* others have thoughts and feelings
* our behaviour and words can affect others
* we can develop an understanding of someone else's perspective
* problems come in different sizes
* our reactions can be different sizes
* there are expected and unexpected behaviours in different places and situations
* we can use our eyes, ears and brain to work out social expectations
* we have social filters
* we can use thinking strategies, sensory strategies and breathing techniques to assist us to change our feelings and behaviour
* we can use positive self talk strategies
OTs work closely with parents to identify and implement calming strategies. Regulation for children also involves coaching parents with co-regulation strategies.
Other social skills that may also be considered are turn taking, eye contact, how to include others, how to share information about ourselves, how to identify what our body tells us about our feelings and more.
Occupational therapists use a range of programs to assist with social emotional learning. These programs include:
- ALERT program -
- Zones of Regulation Program -
- Social Thinking Program (We-thinkers, Social Detective, Superflex and Social Thinking Curriculum Based on age and abilities) –
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