About Me...
Hi, I'm Cindy, a registered Occupational Therapist based in Sydney, Australia. I have two gorgeous and growing children; Miss almost 18 years and Mr 14 years, who are regular testers for my ideas and hand models on this site. I learn from them every day! Monte, our 4 year old yellow labrador helps me to complete my paperwork by keeping my feet warm.
I graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) in 1998. I have worked as a senior OT in the public sector (disability and community health) and more recently in the private sector. I have had experience working with children all of all ages and a wide range of difficulties (including children with global developmental delays, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD and specific learning difficulties). My main areas of interest are in handwriting skills and working with preschool-age children in developing their pre-writing skills!
I created and co-admin the Australian Paediatric Occupational Therapy Facebook, which currently has a membership of almost 10 000 members from across Australia. Find this group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/359086877824768/
I have also co-authored The Handwriting Book , The Scissor Skills Books and The Toilet Training Book. I have also written the Sensory Diet Activity Guide Book as well as all the resources found at the Your Kids OT shop. ($Aus) These resources are also availabe at the YKOT Teachers Pay Teachers Store ($US). Resources I have created are firstly designed for my own use and then shared. I've been working on a long-term book (over 7 years) on handwriting grips and grasp. We are in the final stages of this exciting project!
I am an advocate for incidental learning and finding opportunities to teach kids in everyday life. A simple walk around the block can be a lesson in colour and number recognition, counting, turn taking, waiting as well as gross motor opportunities for hopping, skipping or bike riding. I love finding ways to encourage a child's development in their natural environments.
I enjoy working creatively with children to see them reach their potential. Children often don't realise that they are learning when they are having fun and absorbed in an activity! I love sharing my ideas and as an OT; I am always creating new resources.
I also love supporting other occupational therapists with their clinical skills. I have presented about "The Just Right Challenge", "Therapeutic Use of Self" and "Executive Functioning Skills".
I hope that Your Kids OT will be a source of creative ways to engage your kids in their learning and development, supporting professionals and parents in every day challenges.
Watch my "Hello You-Tube" video to "meet" me!
I graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) in 1998. I have worked as a senior OT in the public sector (disability and community health) and more recently in the private sector. I have had experience working with children all of all ages and a wide range of difficulties (including children with global developmental delays, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD and specific learning difficulties). My main areas of interest are in handwriting skills and working with preschool-age children in developing their pre-writing skills!
I created and co-admin the Australian Paediatric Occupational Therapy Facebook, which currently has a membership of almost 10 000 members from across Australia. Find this group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/359086877824768/
I have also co-authored The Handwriting Book , The Scissor Skills Books and The Toilet Training Book. I have also written the Sensory Diet Activity Guide Book as well as all the resources found at the Your Kids OT shop. ($Aus) These resources are also availabe at the YKOT Teachers Pay Teachers Store ($US). Resources I have created are firstly designed for my own use and then shared. I've been working on a long-term book (over 7 years) on handwriting grips and grasp. We are in the final stages of this exciting project!
I am an advocate for incidental learning and finding opportunities to teach kids in everyday life. A simple walk around the block can be a lesson in colour and number recognition, counting, turn taking, waiting as well as gross motor opportunities for hopping, skipping or bike riding. I love finding ways to encourage a child's development in their natural environments.
I enjoy working creatively with children to see them reach their potential. Children often don't realise that they are learning when they are having fun and absorbed in an activity! I love sharing my ideas and as an OT; I am always creating new resources.
I also love supporting other occupational therapists with their clinical skills. I have presented about "The Just Right Challenge", "Therapeutic Use of Self" and "Executive Functioning Skills".
I hope that Your Kids OT will be a source of creative ways to engage your kids in their learning and development, supporting professionals and parents in every day challenges.
Watch my "Hello You-Tube" video to "meet" me!
ABN: 84803478584
# OCC 0001765196
Your Kids OT website and blog
Your Kids OT is a website for parents, educators, therapists and anyone else interested in providing creative learning opportunities for kids. You will find Occupational Therapy terminology explained and information about how an OT can help your child. The website is organised so you can find activities according to skill, my homemade ideas including craft and recipes, reviews of products and apps. I recognize that children learn at their own pace and will achieve milestones at different ages. Your child may also be limited by a disability or illness. Any ages listed are to be used as a guide.
New articles are updated through the blog and distributed to those who subscribe. You can also follow Your Kids OT on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or You-Tube Channel. Almost daily posts and reels are share on Instagram.
Resources are available from Your Kids OT shop which are instantly downloadable to use at home, in the classroom or clinic. The handwriting resources have been created in NSW Foundation Font. If you have any feedback or queries, please contact me here. Resources are also available via Teachers Pay Teachers.
Some colloborations and partnerships have included:
Email: [email protected]
New articles are updated through the blog and distributed to those who subscribe. You can also follow Your Kids OT on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or You-Tube Channel. Almost daily posts and reels are share on Instagram.
Resources are available from Your Kids OT shop which are instantly downloadable to use at home, in the classroom or clinic. The handwriting resources have been created in NSW Foundation Font. If you have any feedback or queries, please contact me here. Resources are also available via Teachers Pay Teachers.
Some colloborations and partnerships have included:
- Babyology and Big W
- Toddler Play Conference 2024
- Neurodiverse Homeschooling Summit
- Functional Skills for Kids Therapy Team (Handwriting Book, Scissor Skills Book, Toilet Training Book)
- Interview with A Current Affair
- Karma East Ambassador
- Cricut Australia
- Officeworks Australia
Email: [email protected]
Start receiving the latest articles from Your Kids OT now.
Direct Therapy Services
Do you live or attend school (childcare/preschool/school) within the Ryde Local Government Area (LGA) in Sydney? Your Kids OT is now available to visit your child at home or school for an individual Occupational Therapy assessment and therapy sessions. Find more information here.
Occupational therapy supervision within Australia is now provided via Zoom.
Contact Cindy for further information at [email protected] or via the contact form.
Occupational therapy supervision within Australia is now provided via Zoom.
Contact Cindy for further information at [email protected] or via the contact form.
What is OT?
Occupational Therapy (OT) is a health profession concerned with promoting health and well being through occupation. The primary goal of OT is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life. For babies and children, their main occupation is play and this is how they learn about their bodies, objects around them, their environment and how to interact with these things and other people.
Paediatric OTs help children to achieve developmental milestones (such as, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination). Paediatric OTs educate and involve parents, carers, educators and others to facilitate learning and development.
You can find out more information on the Occupational Therapy Australia website.
Paediatric OTs help children to achieve developmental milestones (such as, fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination). Paediatric OTs educate and involve parents, carers, educators and others to facilitate learning and development.
You can find out more information on the Occupational Therapy Australia website.
The information on this site is general in nature and should be used for educational and entertainment purposes. The activities are safe for most children, however, you should consult an Occupational Therapist or health professional to address specific movement, sensory or other medical conditions. This blog does not replace formal therapeutic professional advice given by a health professional or medical practitioner.
Reviews and endorsements of products will only be made based on my expertise and personal opinion; and deemed worthy of such endorsement. The opinions shared in sponsored content will always be my own and not that of the advertising company or brand. Content, advertising space or posts will be clearly identified if paid, affiliated or sponsored. This website contains affiliate links in the form of advertising. This means that if you follow through with a purchase from these links, Your Kids OT will receive a percentage of the sale. Thank you for supporting Your Kids OT.
Your Kids OT undertakes to meet the requirements of the "Social Media Policy" as published by Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Further information about this policy can be found here.
Reviews and endorsements of products will only be made based on my expertise and personal opinion; and deemed worthy of such endorsement. The opinions shared in sponsored content will always be my own and not that of the advertising company or brand. Content, advertising space or posts will be clearly identified if paid, affiliated or sponsored. This website contains affiliate links in the form of advertising. This means that if you follow through with a purchase from these links, Your Kids OT will receive a percentage of the sale. Thank you for supporting Your Kids OT.
Your Kids OT undertakes to meet the requirements of the "Social Media Policy" as published by Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Further information about this policy can be found here.
All material on this site is copyright unless otherwise noted. Copying is a great form of flattery, however, please refer to information from this site with suitable acknowledgment and reference to www.yourkidsot.com. Please do not post an entire blog post on your blog or website. Thank you for this professional courtesy. If you are unsure, please contact me on [email protected] and ask directly!
Your Kids OT respects your privacy and will keep all of your personal details secure and confidential. Your personal details will not be sold, exchanged or disclosed, unless required by law. Find a more detailed privacy policy HERE.
Most photographs found on this site have been taken by me and some photos have been used from Pixababy. I use graphics from My Cute Graphics and Canva. I have previously owned business use membership with "Classroom Clipart" which enabled me to use images in the sale of products, books and printables for commercial purposes.