Well I was surprised and chuffed to be nominated for a "Liebster Award" by House of Many Minions. The Liebster Award is all about sharing the blog-love with other establishing bloggers. It is a fun way for Your Kids OT followers to find out more about me (the voice behind the blog) and some of the other blogs out there that you may not have come across before. Each nominee has to follow 6 simple rules:
Here are questions House of Many Minions has asked of me... 1. What pushed you over the edge to take your blog from an idea to a reality? My lovely one day a week job came to an end. I wanted to be available for my kids and do the school run with my youngest about to start preschool and the thought of getting another job seemed impossible under the conditions I wanted. I had been reading other blogs for a while thinking "I can do that" and "I have something unique to offer". 2. Which bloggers inspire you? Why? Lots of bloggers inspire me, howeverTherapy Fun Zone and Mama OT were my initial inspirations as they encapsulate what I want to achieve with my blog. They are Occupational Therapy bloggers who have an ability to reach out to readers with practical useful information, with a therapy foundation in a fun way! 3. Vegemite, promite or marmite? Sorry, I know it is not very Aussie of me but yuck! Don't like any of them! 4. Tell us about one of your most cherished memories. The birth of my babies. I think the miracle of becoming a parent is hard to top. Seeing my firstborn in special care for several days was difficult for a first time mum. Being sent home from hospital was pretty devastating! Finally taking her home was a truly cherished moment. 5. Your favourite blogging tip Network! Get to know other bloggers. Read their work, comment, like, share and they will get to know you and reciprocate. I have loved the "blog hops" and "blogger link ups" that I have done so far and look forward to many more. 6. The best life lesson you learnt from high school? Gosh, this is a tough one. I think I was pretty awkward and had poor self esteem as a teenager. I made wonderful friends in high school who are friends for life and if I could tell my teenage self anything it would be "Don't worry about what other people think! Take time to find out who you are and love that person!" 7. Summer or winter? Definitely Summer! I live in Sydney and it doesn't even get that cold! 8. What do you love most about yourself? My faith (which is a bit weird because faith is not really about me but about who I believe). 9. If you could meet one person, famous or average Susie walking down the street, who would you meet? I would have loved to meet 3 of my grandparents who all died when my parents were young. I would love to have known them. 10. Spare time? Where can we find you if you get it? Cooking up something in my Thermomix ... still new enough to be a novelty but I really should be spending my spare time exercising! 11. Lastly, if you had 48 hours completely to yourself, how would you spend them? Curled up with a good book, copious amounts of tea and a box of chocolates. I might be able to get up for a massage and facial too. 11 Random facts about me! For those who have been following me, you might remember reading about me here where I wrote about my OT history. So for some random facts...
My nominees... I would love to introduce these blogs. Visit and say hi! 1. Love Decorate Letters 2. The nOATbook 3. Mum-bo-jumbo 4. Simply.Create.Inspire 5. Kid Bucket List 6.Mum's Word 7. The Mama Minute 8.Ariel's World 9. Terrible Palsy 10. Practical Research Parenting 11. My Brown Paper Packages. My questions for these bloggers... 1. What do you find the most satisfying about blogging? 2. Tea or Coffee? 3. What are you most proud of? 4. Where is your favourite holiday spot? 5. What is the most unique thing you have eaten? 6. What is the book you read over and over again? 7. How would you priortise the following - vacuuming, exercising, cleaning bathrooms? 8. What is the personality quality you respect the most in others? 9. How do you juggle the demands of blogging with other things in your life? 10. Apple or Android? 11. What is your funniest parenting moment? I can't wait to read my nominees answers and random facts. Thanks for reading mine! You may also like...
15/2/2015 12:47:53 pm
It is always so interesting reading these, learn something new about someone every time. Thanks for the nomination x 16/2/2015 02:36:30 am
Finding those 48 hours is pretty difficult! Look forward to reading your post. 16/2/2015 02:37:22 am
Thanks Kerry, I look forward to reading more of your posts too. 18/2/2015 02:31:33 am
Congratulations on your award! I can't believe the award is still going strong. I remember being nominated way back in 2012. You've got a great blog and it's so cool getting to know the details behind you. That photo of your daughter in special care brought back memories. I have similar photos of Elliott with all of his tubes and monitors too. x 18/2/2015 07:41:49 am
I didn't know the award had been going for so long. Precious memories that I'm sure you understand of those early days. Thanks Eva. 20/2/2015 01:05:03 pm
Great. This was fun. I loved reading your and liked number 10 fact :) 20/2/2015 01:25:13 pm
It has been fun and I look forward to reading your post! Comments are closed.
AuthorHi, I'm Cindy and I am an Occupational Therapist. I enjoy working creatively with children to see them reach their potential. Read more about me here. SEARCH THIS SITE
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AuthorHi, I'm Cindy and I am an Occupational Therapist. I enjoy working creatively with children to see them reach their potential. Read more about me here. |
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