Hands up if you were of a generation that when you were looking for information you would resort to a World Book Encyclopedia or Britannica? We didn't have a huge library of books in my childhood, however, I do remember these weighty books being a fountain of knowledge when needed.
This generation of children have the priviledge of having information at their fingertips. The digital world has truly brought information that may not have been easily accessible in the past, straight to our kids. Children can explore, examine, investigate, discover and learn from their home or classroom about the incredible world we live in through this app. Monash University's "MWorld" is an app that fosters learning in our children. It was designed by a field of academics including the Dean and Deputy Dean of Education at Monash University as well as teachers, astronomers, physicists, linguists, artists, musicians, historians, archaeologists, geographers, biologists, medical researchers, engineers, volcanologists (I didn't know that was a word) and more! The "MWorld" app contains 10 subject areas (in the full paid version) including animals, art & music, early civilisations, the human body, language & culture, the modern world, the natural world, people & places, space and the wonders of science. Each subject is presented with subcategories which are mapped out for your child to explore. There is a narration option also for each subject and subcategories. Each section has incredible photography and graphics. As I explored the app, I felt a child-like curiosity to find out more, to watch the video clips, enlarge photos, play the inbuilt games and answer questions.
This app is designed for primary-school aged children (ie. 8-12 years) and is suitable for home or the classroom. I don't think that I will be using this in a therapeutic context (yet). There are features which allow children to collect points the more they answer questions.
Teachers will love the "inquiry-based learning", lesson plans and teacher's guides that show how it might map to your curriculum needs. American teachers, you can also access teacher guides mapped to the US common core state standards (CCSS). Teachers are able to download a free trial for their classrooms. Parents may also download this app for free with limited subject titles. Further titles may be purchased and continue to be developed. This app is currently available for apple devices, however it will soon be available for android as well. Miss 8 years gave "MWorld" a test run and loved it immediately! She was able to navigate through subjects of interest and explore subjects she may not have thought about before. The videos were especially appealing as were the games and ability to collect points. The app "taps into" a curious mind, fostering inquiry and discovery. A word of warning that the "Human Body" section does discuss reproduction and you may want to discuss this with your child prior to opening this subject. The navigation in this app is set to improve with the next upgrade. You will be able to go straight to the subject area by clicking it on the map. The "MWorld" app has the information of a traditional encyclopedia, the photographs of a National Geographic magazine, the narration of a David Attenborough documentary, the subject mapping of a Museum with so much more as it encourages inquiry and learning. I highly recommend this app!
For more information you can refer to the following -
MWorld website here: https://www.discovermworld.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/discover.mworld Twitter: https://twitter.com/discovermworld Instagram: https://instagram.com/discovermworld/ Download the app here - https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/discover-mworld/id809515973?mt=8. Let me know if you download this app and what you {or your children} think of it!
The "MWorld" app was gifted to me by Monash University. I received no remuneration for this post and will receive no commission from any purchases of this app. All opinions expressed are my own and based on my expertise, experience and personal opinion.
11/5/2015 01:37:07 am
Looks interesting - there's so many great resources these days! 11/5/2015 09:46:58 am
This is SO awesome! I'm going to tell my sister-in-law about it - my little nephews would love it! 17/5/2015 11:46:15 am
Yep, I was the generation with a bookshelf full of encyclopedias. I remember doing school projects in primary school and that's where I'd get my information. Even in university I remember sitting in the isles of the library searching for information in journals...I'm still a big fan of books. This looks like a wonderful app! 26/5/2015 01:33:50 pm
I saw some World Books at my local library recently...Will definitely have to show my daughter that good "old" way we learnt. This app is amazing! Comments are closed.
AuthorHi, I'm Cindy and I am an Occupational Therapist. I enjoy working creatively with children to see them reach their potential. Read more about me here. SEARCH THIS SITE
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AuthorHi, I'm Cindy and I am an Occupational Therapist. I enjoy working creatively with children to see them reach their potential. Read more about me here. |
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