Book Study Printables: The Girl Who Thought in Pictures (The Story of Temple Grandin) by Julia Finley Mosca
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This printable pack was created to accompany the book, The Girl Who Thought in Pictures (The Story of Temple Grandin) by Julia Finley Mosca. This printable pack includes writing prompts for a character study, story re-tell, an examination of the themes and a word find puzzle.
These printables are suitable for Kindergarten to year 4 and may be adapted for use according to abilities. Younger children may draw their answers to re-tell the story whilst older children can delve into how the themes may be applied to themselves. The themes explored include "different not less", "stepping through a doorway", "keep learning from your mistakes" and "problem solving by invention".
Please select "shrink to printable area" for the best printing results.
These printables are suitable for Kindergarten to year 4 and may be adapted for use according to abilities. Younger children may draw their answers to re-tell the story whilst older children can delve into how the themes may be applied to themselves. The themes explored include "different not less", "stepping through a doorway", "keep learning from your mistakes" and "problem solving by invention".
Please select "shrink to printable area" for the best printing results.